We have brain cells called neurons, there are 2 billion neurons in our brain. But actually we don't have neurons only in our brain we have 6 more energy centers in our spinal cord, these energy centers are made up of neurons, if we see, collectively all these 6 energy centers have 2 billion neurons, i.e., we have 4 billion neurons in total. But these energy centers are not used by us.
In kundalini sadhna we can activate these energy centers and can use them collectively.
There are 7 chakras (energy centers) Mooladhara, Swadishthana, Manipura, Anahat, Vishudhi, Ajnya and Sahasrara Chakra. These chakras represents Earth, Water Fire, Air, Sky, Individual Consciousness and Cosmic consciousness respectively. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet (VIBGYOR)colors of these chakras respectively.
If we do kundalini sadhna and activate these chakras, we can see colors of them, and when all the chakras are activated all the colors combine and make white color, so we can see white light within.
As we know sun provides us energy necessary for life in form of white light. But after completion of knudalini sahdna we can see white light within, it means now we don't need sun's energy to survive. So if one starts living at his own, it means he is not dependent on any other external factor for survival. (so the person is eternal) Or in Kundalini sadhna it's the state of "Samadhi/Bliss". The one who attains it, may say "Aham Bhramasmi" or "I Am The God".
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