Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mysterious Kabbalah....Last Part 4


One of the deepest teachings of Kabbalah is also one of the simplest: that the world is not what it seems. As we have already explored, that which we experience as the world is actually a veil for the Infinite Oneness, the only thing that really is. Refracted through the various lenses of the sefirot, this "light" is the true structure of what is happening right now.

But what about what seems to be happening right now? A computer, a table, a person reading — are these illusion, maya in the words of another religious tradition?

In the Kabbalah's understanding, the manifest world is also Divine, but it is — using the mythic language of the theosophical Kabbalah — in exile; in a state of apparent separation; in need of unity.

There's a wise teaching that while the mind may know that all is one, the heart still experiences two. You and me; here and there; now and later — or before. And so the heart experiences a yearning which is sometimes sweet, oftentimes holy, and other times bitter and tinged with pain.

This yearning is also part of our reality. Our experience of separateness is part of our reality. And that which is present is not mere illusion: it is the Presence of the Divine, the shechinah, the tenth sefirah, also known as malchut, sovereignty.

Malchut completes the chain of the sefirot. If we imagine the first three sefirot to be an idea arising in the mind, the second three to be the stirrings in the heart as it weighs and evaluates it, and the third three to be the qualities of action that bring it into being, then malchut is its actual being; its manifestation. Yesod has gathered together all of the energies of creation — and then it creates. Malchut is the result.

In short kabalah tells us process , how will is converted in to the actions through thought and emotions. Jagatmithya Brahmsatya. (The world is illusionary “I” am the truth). Or “Ahambrahmasmi”.

This very short guided tour of the sefirot is only one of many which could have been offered. Consult another Kabbalah site, or book, and you will receive a completely different perspective. Such is the nature of the Kabbalah and its symbolism: expansive, open to interpretation, and rooted in a thousand years of polysemous texts. I have focused on the mythical, psychological and theosophical aspects of the sefirot. But I might just as well have focused on the astrological, or even the magical. Of course, another fundamental teaching of the Kabbalah is that interpretation is infinite. We are grounded in sacred text, in this exploration, and hopefully the roots of the tree are strong; but the branches extend far up and away.

The tree of the sefirot itself is only one of many symbolic structures in the Kabbalah, and to learn Kabbalah in an authentic way requires a serious playfulness, a willingness to delve deeper and deeper into these fascinating images and myths, to see where both the historical and personal truths reside.


  • Vikas says:
    March 14, 2010 at 1:00 AM

    TO become one with the infinte....or to gain the cosmic consciousness.......this is oneness with GOD...oneness with Universe...oneness with divine!!!! Do let me know in case of any doubt!!!! Thanks!!!

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