It is really very surprising, most of the Indian people who claim to have the firm belief in God, don’t even know the actual meaning of spirituality. They always take the God as a myth and uses Him in various ways to achieve something in their lives. These idiots are mostly found shouting nonsense prayers in the Temples, Mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches. Just by doing such foolish activities they claim that they have pleased the God. To them, God is a fool who is always waiting His devotees to come and praise him by paying him few coins and few grams of sweets. These poor people have their own psychology, which to me is nothing but a mental disorder.
Actually spirituality is nothing but science and it is very easily understandable. But the God fearing people may start cursing me after reading this article. Let them be happy in this fashion only. Writing this article about spirituality so that at least such people may understand the whole concept of God.
First God is not your Boss who has decided few laws in “Do’s and Don’ts”, and by obeying these laws you can achieve something and please the God and disobeying would lead you to the place called hell. God is sheer science. Let’s see how!
We have studied in basic physics, that matter consistes of atoms and further atoms consists of electrons, protons and neutrons. We have also studied about the waves of different frequencies(vibrations with different cycles). Every different wave of different frequency has it’s own nature, which is different from the wave of some different frequency. Few waves can be heard(sound), few waves can be seen(colours), and few waves can be touched(matter), smelling and tasting is also some sort of vibrations, and our body has 5 senses for feeling above mentioned waves/vibrations in the form of ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin. All senses are governed by a common organ which is our Brain. All these sense organs communicates with the brain with the help of receptors which are used for passing the signals again in the form of waves and nature of the wave is detcted by our brain.
In one of my previous post I mentioned our body is the reflection of this universe or our body is a miniature universe. Below are two pictures shown which show you the similarity between our brain cells and universe.
Now what, the basic difference between these two is of the colour. Our brain cell as shown is showing the red colour and the universe is showing the violet colour. Please note that the arrangement of the colours in rainbow is in the order VIBGYOR. Violet is the wave of highest frequency and red has the lowest frequency. One who meditates and follows the spiritual path shifts constantly upwards towards the violet waves or towards the higher vibrations(You must read Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta waves of our brain) by making his mind calm and calm. Ultimately when all the driving forces of the brain disappear the person is supposed to have achieved the “Param Gyan” or “Ultimate spirtual bliss”. All these constitute together to form the white light, that is why you must have seen our enlightened masters having white light behind their heads. The word "YOGA" has the same meaning "joining our self with universe" or "becoming one with universe".
As we know, we, the humans use only 4-5% of our brain, moreover 97% DNA of the human body is the junk DNA. Now Science has started accepting the importance of this unused brain and Junk DNA. But due to some distortion in the genetic coding of our DNA in past, we have forgotten our acual path and actual goal. If we have a look upon our nervous sytem, we can see the neurons(brain cells) present in our head and in our whole spinal chord too. Greek, Indian and Mayan mystics have already explained/written about the seven energy centres("chakras" in Hindi) in the human body in their respective scriptures which are opened by Kundalini Yoga, by driving our life force energy upwards, which is also considered rising of the snake(remember DNA is in the same form which is basic element of life, and also see the doctor's symbol, two coils rising upwards arond a pole) around our backbone.(or read my post about sacred Indian rivers to know the ida, pinala and sushumna nadis) All this process is done by meditation or by few breath controlling exrcises or Yoga. Each colour of VIBGYOR, each "sur" of the music and each day of the week is associated with these chakras. And Biblical explaination of "creation in seven days" contains the same signifcance, opening of each chakra requires some basic rules which include controlling the diet or any other form, that is why we often come across few people always giving the lectures "this and that should not be done on Tuesday" , and bla bla bla. Idiots, infact Super Idiots!
So the most important thing to understand that nothing in this universe is what we feel like. If we talk about a snake, with his eyes he sees the object in the form of infrared lights (or one's aura) and the he can not recognise the mass of the body with his eyes like we do. Thus, he recognises one's aura and can know whether the person may be dangerous for him or not. He recognises the matter by feeling the vibrations of the energy on it’s skin and it’s skin starts vibrating in resonance with the frequncy of that particular object and hence giving the snake the idea of it’s presence. As we know according to quantum mechanics, everything behaves in dual nature, which is wave nature and the particle nature. The whole existence is bound to follow this rule of duality. Even our life has dual aspects. Since we consider ourselves merely a three dimensional creature, we can’t see the other side of the existence at the same time. For example you can not see the both sides of a coin at one instance. Therefore we must have some idea of the fourth dimension the TIME. That gives us the idea of three dimensional world and we are able to see the other part of life at one instance using our common sense which is also known as the sixth sense or spirit or third eye, or intuition.But the people as Einstein said "poor in spirit"(dim bulbs) can never attain this form of spirtual gain.
Those who don’t understand should study again the principles of quantum physics or the theory of relativity by Einstein, which says
E=MC² (i.e. matter can be converted in to energy and vice versa).So we can say at the time of big bang nothing existed not even space, not even time, but after the big bang a sound wave "AUM" was produces which ultimately formed the universe, and even this source of infinte energy produced the matter. So we can say matter is energy, and energy is nothing but the empty space in the form of waves, so our whole body is nothing but an empty space or the bundle of waves of different frequencies, as Einstein said "Matter is energy, energy is light and we all are light beings", but our senses create the illusion and we are captured in this circle of life and death, becuase of the five emotions which are "Kam", "Krodh", "Lobh", "Moh" and "Ahankaar". Theses five emotions and five elements "earth", "fire", "water", "Air" and space came together to form this dual illusionary world. That won't be an exaggeration if I say we are merely the dreams of God(The supreme force responsible for creation".
Coming back to the matter and energy concept, LHC(Large Hadron Collidor) the most expensive experiment till date is being conducted just to unfold this mystery of empty space. Scientists, in this experiment are trying to know, where the mass comes from and they have named that source the “boson particle”. Again let me tell you Boson is not the particle, actually it is our supreme consciousness, which, actually is responsible for the mass in the matter. Because, as we know matter consists of many atoms which are again consisted of electrons, neutrons and protons, which are actually the energy fluctuations, NOTHING ELSE. So think again where this mass comes from, and where did we come from,
That is why, as I said earlier spirituality is entirely a different concept, it requires control on our sense organs. It s not just going to the temples and chanting few silly prayers, and to me this is the height of foolishness. This article may offend few so called religious people, but you cannot reject Science.
This is a very interesting article especially the picture of brain cell and universe.. This is the line from your post
"But due to some distortion in the genetic coding of our DNA in past, we have forgotten our acual path and actual goal."
so may i know what is our actual goal??
And yes, this post will definitely offend many many readers.. :)
Ravana had the knowledge of ten dimensions, we have the knowledge of three dimensions only, do we have any right to insult Ravana in such a manner on every Dusshera. Atleast we must have the knowledge of fourth dimension, which gives us the power to come over duality and we can see the both aspects of life(good or bad)at one time. Then,we wont cut what we reap but we would reap what we want to cut.
total how many dimensions r there? i think those r not dimension but directions - n, e,w, s, up, down, ne, nw, se, sw
There is a small technical flaw in the above article. Your explanation seems good, but you have said Violet is lowest freq. and Red is highest, which is exactly opposite in reality. You have used this to suggest that we need to calm down our mind to move towards Violet, actually if our brain cells are red, and we need to move towards violet we are tending towards increased vibrations. This universe definitely has more vibrations than our limited brain can grasp, this tendency from lower to higher vibration can be a signifier of evolution of consciousness to grasp more and more vibrations (gain of knowledge), till it matches with the universe (becoming one with supreme).
Thanks Gajanan, error has been rectified. It was written accidentally, now I urge my readers to read about the Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta brain waves.