There are seven energy centres in our body, they correspond to 7 colours of white light and seven regions of our physical body. Each center symbolises a lotus flower with different number of petals, which are actually the vibrations of different sounds. These sounds are the Anahata Nad which can not be spoken but can only be experienced within, Aahat Nad is the one which we hear in the external world. These centers are activated by meditation starting from Mooladhara Chakra to Shasrara Chakra, when the last chakra is opened it is the state of bliss or "Aham Brahnasmi" (I am the creator) which is the state of God. This is the state when we become one with the universe.
To reach this state we have to purify our Ida and Pingala Nadis, by performing few breath exercises then only our Shushumna Nadi gets activated, while doing this practice, energy rises upwards around our spinal cord like a serpent(thats why the name Kundalini) and produce the sounds of different vibrations, as shown in the chart below. Each petal is connected with an organ of our body and vibration of that particular organ is same as of the petal connected, Each lotus flower has Beej Mantra which is a sound of particular vibration, and by activating the chakra that vibration helps curing the organ linked in the case of any disease. These beej mantras are actually the Anahata Nad which are the vibrations within, but still most people utter such mantras from their mouth as told by their Gurujis which is a baseless phenomenon and least effective.
These chakras or energy vibrations also symbolise the story of creation in many prophecies like 7 days of creation in Bible.
Also in Mahabharata Chakravyuh of 7 doors are these chakras of which Abhimanyu failed to open the last one the Sasrara Chakra.
In Ramayana Sanjeevani Booti symbolises the art of becoming one with universe and getting the vibrations of correct frequency as required by the damaged cells need to be cured.
Once again have a look upon the Ten sefirots of Kabbalah in my previous posts, now it may be easier to understand the sefirots, because this is the similar philosophy of Jews.
The names and location, vibrations, colours associated with these chakras are shown in the table below.
Padmas, Lotuses of the Astral body | Muladhara or Adhara Chakra | Swadhishthana | Manipura | Anahata | Vishuddha | Ajna | Sahasrara | |||
Corresponding nerve plexuses in the physical body | (Sacral) Sacro-Coccygeal Plexus | Prostatic Plexus | Solar Plexus | Cardiac Plexus | (Pharyngeal) Laryngeal Plexus | Cavernous Plexus | Pineal Gland | |||
Location or Position | Just below Kanda, between the root of reproductory organ and anus. At the base of spinal column | At the Linga or the origin of the reproductory organ. Between Muladhara and Manipura Chakras | Navel of Nabhi Sthana | Heart | At the base of the throat of Kantha-Mula Sthana | At the space between the two eyebrows or Bhru-Madhya | ||||
Petals or number of Yoga Nadis | 4 | 6 | 10 | 12 | 16 | 2 | ||||
Letters on the petals or the vibrations of the Yoga Nadis | v:ö S:ö \:ö s:ö | b:ö B:ö m:ö y:ö rö l:ö | Rö Zö N:ö t:ö T:ö dö D:ö n:ö p:ö Pö | kö K:ö g:ö G:ö {ö c:ö Cö j:ö J:ö W:ö Xö Yö | Aö A:ö Eö Iö uö Uö ?ö @ö ;ö =ö Oö Oðö A:ðö A:òö Aö AH | hö x:ö | ||||
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