Thursday, September 10, 2009

Paul Merton

Now a days a program named “Paul Merton in India” is being Telecasted on Fox History channel. Most of the people may think that this is a normal show or a documentary which tells about India and Indian culture. But the fact varies. Paul Merton is an idiot. He makes the joke of everything, Indian people , Indian culture, Indian cities and India. Even the Indian people who are helping him in producing such show can’t understand what he is doing.

I don’t understand, are the people sleeping, is our government blind, can’t they see what is happening in this show.

Actually most of the programs/shows/documentaries on this channel are for the glorification of USA and UK and they humiliate the developing nations like India, Venejuela, Peru, Colombia, Argentia etc.

Our government must do something so that the people like Paul Merton think twice before producing such absurd shows.


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