Friday, October 2, 2009

Earth’s Rising Base Frequency, Our Brain Waves and Mayan Calendar

So many people are predicting what is going to happen in December 2012. Will it be the end of our civilization? Many theories are being given in order to prove that something nasty and unpredicted might happen. Few are predicting that global warming could be the cause, few are predicting a big economic collapse by the end of 2012, few are predicting third world war to occur and resulting the mass destruction and another theory being given is about the epidemics and swine flu and bla bla bla. Here is another theory :

Earth's Rising Base Frequency

It is said that after "Zero Point", the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east (approximately). Past occurrences of this change have been recorded and found in ancient records. The Earth will be stopped. In 2 or 3 days, it will start turning again, but in the opposite direction. This will produce a reversal in the magnetic fields around the Earth and so forth.

Most accepted reason for this rise in base frequency is that the gravitational power of earth is constantly reducing because earth has been slowly passing through The Photon Belt, which is slowing its rotation. At the same time, there is an increase in the resonance frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance). The resonance of Earth has been 7.83 Hz (Hz='Hertz', which is defined as a unit of frequency of change in state or cycle in a sound wave, alternating current, or other cyclical waveform of one cycle per second) for thousands of years. Since 1980 it has risen to over 12 Hz. This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24-hour day.

Earth's background base frequency or "heartbeat" (called the Schumann Resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 Hz (cycles per second). This was once thought to be a constant. Global military communications developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles per second - and climbing. The rate is about 12 cycles per second at present. It stops at 13 cycles.

When the Earth stops and its rotation and resonance frequency reach 13 cycles per second, we will be at what is called a "zero point" magnetic field.

"Zero Point" (or the Shift of the Ages) has been predicted by ancient people for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year "Procession of the Equinox". "Zero Point" (or a flip of the magnetic poles) will probably happen within the next few years.

Time will appear to speed up as we approach "Zero Point". A 24-hour day will seem to be about 16 hours or less.


As we saw above, Just as a tuning fork has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies, called Schumann Resonances, for electromagnetic radiation. The Human Brain also has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation. It turns out that the Earth's Schumann resonances are "in tune" with the Human Brain's Alpha States and Theta States at 7.5 hertz to 7.8 hertz.

This explains why we just simply "feel good" when we can get out and into Nature, where our brain's can enjoy some time resonating with the vibrations of earths magnetic frequency, without the immense interference of the all pervading electromagnetic pollution of cities. Let us see the effects of various wave:

Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is associated with deep sleep. In-addition, certain frequencies in the delta range trigger the release of-Growth Hormone beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep,-deep restorative sleep is so essential to the healing process

Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and-extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state-which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths-of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking-dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to-information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been-identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases-creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and-other extrasensory perception skills.

Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but-not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity-that lies just below our conscious awareness – it is the gateway, the entry-point that leads into deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also the home-of the window frequency known as the Schuman Resonance, which is the-resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field

Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated with peak-concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity….. 40HZ beta frequency may be key to the act of cognition."

Interestingly the Schumann Resonances (regarding measurements the earths magnetic frequency) are actually observed by experiment to occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. Brain Science is taking a closer look at the coorelations with earth's frequencies and brain's frequencies to see what other benefits we may derive.

So as of now our brains must be having the frequency of the Alpha waves(7-12), are we preparing our brains to move in to the another dimesnion if earth's frequency reaches to 14(Schumann Resonance), as a result we may find ourselves in to the fourth dimension, causing the dimensional shift.


  • nishant says:
    November 18, 2009 at 5:04 AM

    can you give any links that proves such frequency stuff..preferably wikipedia links.

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