Vishnu = Ram = Light, one who pervades everywhere.
RamCHANDRA = Reflection of Light/ Incarnation
Ram = Light
Life: Soul, Light, Ram
Breath = Inhale/Exhale = Hanuman or MANN = Servant of RAM
Seeta = Consciousness, Awareness for the world, decides your perception towards the world.
In first image, the lower 2 chakras are called Mooladhara and Swadhishthana, elements are "earth" and "water" respectively.
Kindly note "earth" or solid matter and water both are attracted by gravity ... whereas FIRE GOES AGAINST THE GRAVITY, the third chakra is fire chakra.
The lower 2 chakras belong to "Material World" and the "World" above the fire chakra is known as "Spiritual world" .
Our breath takes the spiral path as shown in second image.
Our consciousness lies in any of the chakra as shown in the first image.
At the moment we live in the material world (Lanka) , because to us whatever exists is either energy or matter, even we have forgotten the "consciousness"(Seeta).
The lower world (in South Direction) or the lower 2 chakras is what is referred as "LANKA"... ruled by RAVANA, or the material perceptions.
We(Consciousness) take birth on the "earth" (Mooladhara chakra) to raise our consciousness towards the higher chakras(Ayodhya) or the Ajna Chakra(Second from above) to [pass it through the Sahasrara Chakra the higher most chakra to reunite with the universal consciousness.
This process is known as "passing the cosmic current through our body".
It is done by various mystical processes and breath exercises.
The snakes in the second image is the "Naagpaash" or the snake who seduced Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from tree of knowledge.
Ramayan is about the story of RAMCHANDRA's journey from Ayodhya to Lanka and back to Ayodhya. Apart from breath(inhale/exhale) there is another phenomenon which keeps us alive , that is pumping of heart (Contraction/Expansion), the blood is circulated to each and every part or organ of the body. It supplies the oxygen, which helps in metabolism and the ash or carbon produced in this burning process is exhaled with breath.
The later is supposed to be favored and guided by our SOUL . As we see in Mahabharata, Krishna HIMSELF guiding Pandavas towards the "TRUTH".
Spirit can not be located in 3d Space + 1D time (Chausarr) so can not be proved to exist but can only be understood.
The seven doors of "Chakravyuh" as shown in first image can only be opened if we are free from "Kaam"(Lust), "Krodh"(Anger}, "Lobh"(Greed), "Moh"(Attachments) and "Ahankaar"(Ego).
Ego means "Ahnakaar" or "Abhimaan", means, I possess my individual identity in the universe.
If one "Desires" to open the "seventh" chakra, it means "Abhimaan" or "Ego" is still left and should have been vanished by far, it ultimately leads to fall of the raised consciousness to the "Mooladhara" chakra as happened with Abhimanyu. The seventh door opens only by the "Total Surrender" means surrendering our ego to HIS desire not ours then we re-unite with HIM and become one with HIM to attain the supreme consciousness or "KRISHNA" in case of Mahabharata.
The model of "Nationalism" we are proposing is inspired from Ramayana and Mahabharata (and Chanakya's Arthshastra too) on these two phenomenon of "Breathing" and "Pumping".
The system would breath and would extract the black money out of the system by regulating the supply of Silver (remember Moon/RAMCHANDRA) "in" and "out" of the system one a particular intervals, repeating the process for eternity.
The system would pump the GOLD in and out to "TEST" the system , lest the black money should accumulate within the system, it would also test the strength of the system, because Duryodhan is the metaphor of "Blood" and you know he was very powerful too.
And in such system we would enjoy the system being a silent observer like RAM/KRISHNA and will live to fulfill the demands generated by the system, just like we fulfill the demands of our body.
This system has been tested under the principles of Chanakya Neeti.
Vishnu Gupt(RAM/Vishnu) establishes HIS own Kingdom by raising CHANDRAgupta(RamCHANDRA) and making HIM the emperor of the ONE BHARATA, saving the NATION from Alexander(Ownership Claiming on the land), WHICH CAN NOT BE DONE ON THE BATTLEFIRLD OF "ARTHA", as we know SUN can not be owned because it is the source similarly Land can not be owned because it is the source when it comes to "ARTHNEETI"...!!!
Doubts and Healthy Debates are welcome..
Iron present in blood interacts with earth's magnetic field and keep you aware about your body, if somehow blood fails to reach some part of the body, that particular area stops responding to you, you must have noticed it happening several times.
Thus blood gives us "material perception" or body consciousness as it keeps us aware about our body.
We are blessed with five senses (remember, I am not talking about the sensory organs but the sensations), these senses make us aware about our surroundings, we experience the world due to the senses.
Since we can not locate the sensations, it is merely a "feeling" or "Ehsaas", thus these senses are "Spirit" and keep us aware of the world.
Well, so far we discussed "Body" and its surrounding world, but who are we? We are the soul, the soul is the one who experiences.
There is another sixth sense which make us aware about ourselves but if we are living with the material perceptions that is "Body Consciousness" the sixth sense is going to favor the material world only not making us aware about our true self.
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