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Remove the garbage from your brains which unfortunately constitutes 96% of your brain. 97 percent of our DNA is junk DNA, what is wrong with us?
Capitalism is about a blower and a balloon. When a blower inflates a balloon, he can manage his own breath for his own survival, irrespective of the health of the balloon he is inflating and when the balloon is about to burst the blower can maintain the distance from the explosion , but those who are inside the balloon are going to die for sure.
The blower is a capitalist, balloon is the economy and the investors who helped the blower to inflate the balloon are inside the system unaware of the fate of the balloon. This model is unidirectional, always expanding towards the infinity like the universe. Universe would collapse one day and so would the capitalist states.
The capitalism can only sustain if the "size" of the economy keeps expanding, we need "Large" economies to provide larger space to for the goods to be traded or consumed...!! But when the consumerism is on the peak that is the indication of collapse of the capitalism, and today the picture is very similar. Just try to think, why our mobile phones, digital cameras, laptops, and many other electronic gadgets are depreciated enormously. How come the temporary structures made up from some steel and cement are appreciating in the market? How can it be possible? It just can not happen, because it is against the LAWS of economics which are very similar with the laws of universe. Do we really need "Large" economies; don't we need the strength? Whom would you bet upon in a wrestling match, "Sushil Kumar" or "Khali", "Strength" or "Size"?
Communist states are like a half black, half white circular disc, mark a dot anywhere in the periphery you would find an exactly opposite point for marking another dot. Two opposite dots are of "Rich" and "Poor" or "Master" and slave". The disc would revolve only if the pressure of poor dot to become the rich dot is happily tolerated by the rich dot to provide the momentum to the system, but if it doesn't happen and the pressure of the poor black dot is challenged by the rich white dot, the resistance would be developed and the disc would be broken after sometime. And the same is happening now, rich do not want to become poor and the poor ones want to become rich on any cost.
As we know, we do not want the bulky economies without the strength. The strength in the financial system is generated by the input of commodities derived from the nature or by the tangible and physical assets. The growth of the service industry is always harmful for the economy. Because physical entity can be measured and quantified therefore it can be priced and traded in the market, but the service can neither be quantified not be tagged with price. The money paid to a servant against some work does not contribute the physical input to the system therefore the money generated from the service industry should be taxed and excreted to protect the system from the internal diseases.
As we have discussed in the "Philosophy" thread that source can not be priced or traded or exchanged, but the resources are. LAND can not be claimed but it can be possessed. Ownership is determined not by claims(Legally) but by possession. And the area of possession will not be defined by the physical barriers or the fences but by the space on land one has utilised for his growth, because more he works hard more would the system grow, we need not to nourish ourselves, we need to nourish the system and the system would nourish us.
There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them. The reason is obvious: Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies.
The entire approach and foundation of Orthodox Medicine is based on Luis Pasteur's Germ Theory, a flawed concept. A disease condition is viewed by the orthodoxy as an isolated event, confined to the area in which it manifests itself (E.g. an ear infection, eye infection, gum infection, lung cancer, skin cancer, etc. ). Under this theory, for unknown reasons, microbes or tumors indiscriminately grow in the patient and must be cut (surgery), burned (radiation), or poisoned (drugs) out of the body. In the orthodox model, the solution is sought through mechanical and chemical means. Seeking to understand WHY the infection or disease condition appeared in the first place, is not seriously explored. The quick fix with a prescription for drugs to smother the symptoms is the typical orthodox 'answer'.
Alternative medicine explores the stressors (environmental, biological, chemical, psychological, and emotional) in a patient's life that cause a weakening of a particular energy field; which in turn allows the manifestation of a disease condition in a weakened area. In order to maintain a state of health, all energy systems within the body need to exist in a state of balance or equilibrium. Imbalance leads to conditions of discomfort (dis-ease) which eventually spirals into ill health if not corrected. The Chinese and Indians (Ayurvedic medicine) had worked all of this out thousands of years ago.
Natural Healing
The patient's immune system and the immune system alone is responsible for healing and recovery from ill health. The use of drugs and vaccines represents an assault on the immune system. In some cases, the use of a particular drug might be a wise choice to speed healing and recovery for the patient, but the use of natural, orthomolecular therapies and substances (substances normally found in Nature) that can more effectively address the cause of the disease should be considered first because natural substances work in harmony with Nature. They aid and stimulate the body to truly cure itself, without the terrible millstone of drug side-effects.
The human body is predisposed to heal itself and to exist as a healthy, thriving organism. We inhibit that process by ingesting unhealthy foods, fouling our inner environment with toxins, and relying upon poisonous substances to treat disease conditions.
Unlike 'miracle drugs' and other 'drug breakthroughs', you will never see or hear anything from mainstream media about most of the therapies going to be illustrated here. The Big Three see to that, but you can still glean this information from the alternative health press, books, web sites, and at health expos. Some of these alternative therapies require high-tech equipment and specialized knowledge, but many, many others can be done at home without third party intervention or supervision. It's amazing, but true, that many of the most effective healing therapies (even for grave, life-threatening disease conditions) are simple things that you can do for yourself at home. You simply have to educate yourself and take responsibility for your own health.
Alternate Cures
The following alternate methods and techniques will shortly be discussed...!!!
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,
Singlet Oxygen Therapies,
Hydrogen Peroxide,
Bio-Electro Medicine,
Rife Therapy,
Electro-Magnetic Therapy,
Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator,
Nutritional Therapies,
The Budwig Diet,
Urine Therapy
Let us discuss about two different models around, the one is western capitalism and the other is eastern communism.
The "Capitalism" is inspired from the Big-Bang model as proposed by the physicists. Where one capitalist inflates the entire system in a "space-time" which we call "Market"! The relation is "One" to "many" in such model.
The idea of communism is derived from the principle of relativity or the relative model of world, which states that the entire existence is polarised and is established on two opposite poles. In communism or socialism the relation is "one" to "one", and the two opposite poles are Rich and the Poor...!!! This model can be compared with a circular disc which is half black and half white...!!! But the disc must keep on revolving to stimulate the system... providing the essential energy required keeping the system working.
Both the above systems are dead ones and can not work without the human intervention.
We should be having a "Live" system, which call as "Nationalism". This system is based on the "Singularity", which is the origin of the world and the ultimate destination of universe. Singularity is timeless and space less and hence "UNIFORM", without the opposite poles. Nobody is "Rich" in this system because there is no "Poor". There is no relation (Social/Economic or religious), that is why this system is not based on the model of "Creation" but on the model of "Before Creation / After Destruction" i.e. "Singularity". If there are no ownerships on LAND, this system will start working automatically. Land should be free for use. We need to deflate the current system before it explodes and hurt many, and the idea is very simple, just remove the price tags from the LAND. Because LAND is source for the natural resources and sources are not evaluated but the resources are.