I always go by the notation “things are not getting expensive, in fact your money is losing its worth”
We will see in this article actually what the money is, and how does the money system work. I will try to keep the language as simple as possible so that everybody can understand the concept.
We will focus upon the American economy and I hope you will see the real picture of America.
First of all let us understand actually what the money is,
Just have look upon any Indian currency note, you will find the note written “I promise to pay the bearer the sum of “so and so” rupees.” It means Reserve Bank of India which is guaranteed by the Central Government of India is bound to pay us the commodity(gold) against that particular currency note.
Hence, money can be classified into THREE categories:
1. "Commodity" Money - money that has "intrinsic value in and of itself", such as a gold or silver coin. Commodity money has been used throughout most of the world's history and has been very successful.
2. "Promissory" Money - a "promise" (hence the word promissory) to pay in Commodity money. An example of Promissory money would be a note that is backed by gold or silver reserves in a bank. The note is "a promise to pay in Commodity money." It therefore represents something of "real" value. The "promise" is backed by a commodity. Fairly simple concept to grasp.
3. "Fiat" Money - money which is backed by NOTHING! Fiat Money is created out of thin air and the only reason people accept it is because of FAITH. Another important point to remember is that in ALL of recorded history, Fiat Money has ALWAYS collapsed and there has not been even one exception! Why? Fiat Money can be manipulated very easily by those who are involved in its creation and distribution.
In 1913 America was under a huge debt and its economy had collapsed, they had nothing to repay the loans it had taken from the countries.
From 1913 until 1933, the United States paid the "interest" with more and more gold. the treasury was empty, the debt was greater than ever, and the United States declared bankruptcy. In exchange for using notes belonging to bankers who create them out of nothing on their own credit, they are forced to repay in substance (labor, property, land, businesses, resources - life) in ever-increasing amounts. This may be the greatest fraud of all time.
The bankrupt United States went into receivership, reorganized in favor of 115 creditors and new owners.
Thomas Jefferson's prophecy has come to pass: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency... the banks... will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Since 1933, what is called the "United States Government" is a privately owned corporation of the Federal Reserve/IMF. All public servants, officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, States and their various agencies, etc., are the express agents of the foreign principals
Thus, Americans have no more country, they are slaves. Is this the conspiracy to create a 'one-world totalitarian socialist government'?
In the US, all currency is controlled by the Federal Reserve Banking System. Here's perhaps the *MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT* of this article, for you to grasp, if you're ultimately going to understand the bigger picture of deceptions and lies that is being perpetrated throughout the United States, as well as the rest of the world:
The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT "federal", is NOT a "reserve", and is NOT a "bank"! The Federal Reserve Bank is a PRIVATE corporation.
It is NOT part of the government. The name has been designed to deceive the people.
Federal Reserve Bank is a Privately Owned Banking System, chartered by Congress in 1913. They have almost nothing in reserve and loan out far more than they have and keep only a fraction in 'reserve' to cover the day's transactions. After 1913, the first "Federal" Reserve Notes were put into circulation in the United States, by the international "banksters" who created them.
The Federal Reserve buys notes from the United States Treasury at printing cost and then loans them to the United States Government. Can you see what is happening Americans have to pay interest for the money which is actually worthless as it is not backed by any commodity, and interest has to be paid in the form of something which has real value like Land, property etc.
The United States used to be on the gold standard, and then it went to the silver standard. Now it exists on the paper standard?! Total debasement. Do you see something terribly wrong here? I certainly hope so!
Every single dollar in circulation represents a debt, because it was first “loaned” into circulation. All money is originally created out of nothing and then loaned. This is a fact!
Now can you just imagine the consequences?
ALL money in circulation is "debt" currency, which means that every single day; every single dollar in circulation is earning compounded interest.
This will ensure the transfer of wealth from middle class to higher class. Curious people may ask me, How? I will explain to them only, not here.
So one thing is clear Americans are paying interests for the worthless money.
Those who have awakened and converted a fair proportion of their paper assets into tangible assets such as gold, silver coins, and food (as you cannot eat gold or silver!) will be in a much better situation than those who will be caught totally by surprise.
In the end, I strongly advise all Americans if they are in any form of debt right now GET OUT OF IT, even if it means selling your house to pay off the mortgage! Those in debt are slaves, as they have to secede to the dictates of the lenders. The lure of easy credit in the present system has encouraged millions of people to get into some form of debt. Because the interest Americans are paying in the form of their assets is for the fake and worthless money they have taken in the form of loan.
Now it is the time to wake up. All those who have taken a stand against this conspiracy have been murdered , John F Kennedy is an example.
I hope now on, the people who take America as a superpower would understand that actually America is a beggar and has got tangled in the never ending process of loan repayment. They are the eternal debtors and they are slaves in the money swindle and 115 coutries including India is ruling over USA.
“Subprime” mortgage crisis is merely a beginning of a big economic collapse may occur by the end of December 2012. So be prepared, possess Gold(or any commodity) as much as you can to find yourself in a comfortable position thenafter.
After reading this post it is up to you whether you take it as ranting of a lunatic (for which many fools now a days have discovered a new word called “crap”) or something really very shocking.
i'm speechless; willl analyze later and comment again. all i think of after reading this post - khao piyo mauj karo; dont save money.. :)
thanks for your comment Nidhi, but "khao piyo mauj karo; dont save money.." is not the message in this article actually this article tells us not to believe on the currenncy notes rather convert currency notes in to the tangible assets like GOLD as much as possible.
So you mean if I have some cash in my account it is worthless........come on...that is rubbish.
The "money" the banks issue is merely bookkeeping entries. It cost them nothing and is not backed by their wealth, efforts, property, or risk. It is not redeemable except in more debt paper. But in this article I emphasized on the case of USA....Indians need not to worry...Reserve Bank of India is having a sufficient amount of Gold reserve(hope so)to back our currency....the RUPEE
Any secret mission ot motto behind all this??
to absorb America into a one-world private commercial government, a "New World Order."