What is Dharma ?
Who is Vishnu?
One who decides, defines and declares what the Law is.
What is Avtara ?
One who orders the Law.
Avtara is not a human being but the one who makes the people to follow the Law
People follow the Law of Ram when their consciousness resides in the reign of Rama, i.e Ramrajya
If we know that we are the light beings(Rama) and are trapped in the material world we live in Treta Yuga
We live in Dwapar Yuga if we know that our spiritual perceptions (Pandavas) will have to win the battle
against our material perceptions (Kauravas) so that we could realise our true identity, our true self i.e. Krishna.
Hence an Avtara is one who's Law people have to follow.
Since, our perceptions for the universe and entire existence are all material and whatever we study is the material science, thus, we live in Kaliyuga.
Whose law are we following in this Dark Age?
Whose penal codes, constitution, and education policy are we following as the Law?
Kohinoor diamond represents the Spiritual Knowledge.
British crown holds that Kohinoor Diamond.
Ashwathama surrendered his Gem which was in his forehead (Third Eye), or the eye of wisdom
Spiritual Knowledge is no more to be seen. We learn only Material Science in our schools and colleges.
British Crown has ordered a Law.
What is that?
"New World Order".
Media, Education, Economics, Politics everything is being governed by British Crown.
Who has designed this vast interlocking spider web of conspiracy?
A secret society called "Illuminati".
Their symbol is a pyramid and an all seeing eye on the top of that pyramid?
Have you seen this symbol anywhere?
On the US Dollar Bill.
What else is written on the bill?
Novus Ordo Seclorum
What does this mean?
New World Order.
Who is sitting on the top?
British Crown.
Whose Law are we following?
British Crown.
Who has ordered the Law?
British Crown.
Who orders the Law?
Then who is the Avtara of Dark Age, the Kaliyuga, who is Kalki?
British Crown.
Vishnu acts as a balancing factor for everything to exist. HE doesn't do this HIMSELF but makes everything
to exist by maintaining the equilibrium. He is the Palankarta, i.e the GOD of Justice or the God of equilibrium and acts as a balancing factor for the material world and spiritual world to exist.
Have you seen the Goddess of Justice?
She has a weighing scale in her hand suggesting the law of equilibrium, hence Vishnu Avtara.
She is blind, suggesting Dark Age.
Is there any requirement of the LAW which is blind?
What to do?
EXTIRPATE the British Crown.
What would happen if we do not do that?
It will be extirpated automatically in 2012.
This is the Law.
Lord Vishnu's
Is the author a lunatic?
Yes, almost.
By the way....
Ever Heard of Lunar Society?
Charles Darwin was the member.